Archive | May, 2013

London Film Tour

The folks over at BuzzfeedUK have put together an AWESOME interactive map for the city of London allowing the cinephile in all of us the chance to virtually visit the scenes where some of our favorite Brit-films take place.  It’s full of handy information for  you to use to see the “important” places in and […]

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Just a Quick Layover…..IN HELL

When traveling, it is important to remain calm at all times.  When the airline has no idea who you are in the middle of a layover, remain calm.  When you must fly seated next to an irate, possibly alcoholic Pakistani princess, remain calm.  When men with machine guns lock you up, remain calm.  When you […]

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Norwegian Toasties and the Comforts of Food

Mac and Cheese Mashed potatoes Meatloaf Cookies Cake Fish and Chips Miso Soup Carbohydrates Deep Fried Goodness What is it about certain foods?  Why do some bring us positive feelings? Why do they remind us of home, even though we may not realize it, and they  they may not even have any real ties to […]

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I finally took the plunge and I’m on twitter!  Follow me @tolandtravels You’ll get current updates and pictures of where I am in the world!

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