Archive | July, 2016

La Différence

So much of the drama that unfolds daily in America and across the world boils down to simply viewing the world around us in different ways. Politics, both in the U.S. and across the world, for example is just a division between two points of view. What those points of view are or why they […]

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Is It Safe?

Aren’t you worried? Aren’t you scared? Why are you going…….there? It’s fascinating to me that over the last few years, increasingly when I tell someone that I have a trip planned, these are some of the more common questions that I’m asked. If I believed that my life was in danger or that something bad […]

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Go East, Young(ish) Men

Maybe we didn’t go as far as we could have, and maybe we aren’t as young as we used to be, but traveling with a couple of friends you’ve known for 20 years or more can be pretty damn fun. This spring I traveled with a couple of friends of mine to Central/Eastern Europe for […]

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If you’ve been on planet Earth for the last week or so, you are no doubt aware that Brexit happened. I thought I’d take this opportunity to provide a brief tutorial on what this is all about and what it means for travelers. Huh? So what in the world is this all about. The story […]

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